All classes are Pre-registered, no walk-ins. Registration is done by coming into the gym and filling out the class sign up sheet. There is always 2 weeks available in the sign up book. If you can not make a class, cancelation text is required as this gives someone else the opportunity to take your spot.
Punch cards and single class purchases are paid in cash at the beginning of the class, no cash…no class!
Gym parking, please PARK ONLY in the Princess Auto Parking lot, the gym is located down the side of the building.
Arrive 15mins. before your first class to fill out a waiver and get your equipment set up. If you are late, you will not be able to join the class…NO EXCEPTIONS.
Bring a water bottle and wear clean gym shoes.
For your first class, choose from one of our regular classes and fill out the contact form so we have your contact information and fitness history.